choose the natural route
Homeopathy is based on the Law of Similars, which states “like-cures-like” by targeting imbalances and each remedy targets a different set of symptoms.
At Healing4thesoul, we have two certified drugless practitioners. These practitioners can assess you using kinesiology to determine which homeopathic remedy is best for you. This consultation is $20 plus price of the remedies. Since these remedies can assist with a multitude of conditions, we recommend you come in for a consult.
Disclaimer: This is not substitute for medical advice and we are not medical doctors.
explore our
Net Remedies
NET Remedies work by activating the body’s natural defenses. These remedies are free of alcohol, gluten, sodium, sugar, and yeast. NETs are non-habit forming. All ages can safely takes these, including babies, pregnant and nursing mothers. NET remedies can help with conditions targeting the body (gut, heart, bladder, lung, and more), hormones, sensitives, stress, illness, and so much more.
Wellness Remedies
Our wellness remedies are used to treat and prevent a variety of physical symptoms including: wet and dry coughs, post-nasal drip, sore throats, brain health and more.
Flower essences
Wildflowers have been used to help cure illness for centuries. Flower Essences follow the same method in the form of liquid extracts. These herbal supplements are non-toxic. A wide variety of conditions can be assisted with these essences, such as procrastination, low self-esteem, fear, lack of confidence, and fatigue among others.